本小喵咪喵咪咪: Netflix!! Meredith here is not a bit unlike Dana Scully in early seasons. Jon Stewart does an awful job acting and good lord is he short or what?! Good thing Gillian is shorter... Anyways the story's kinda cheesy
殊沙:看哭好几次啊QAQ...有虐有温情...Ren这种温柔的家伙真的好招人喜欢Your father blamed you for being who you are. You died.I died.Your father blamed you for being who you are. You died. I live on.
虚舟而行: is painful… 生活有无数种样子水浒笑传下载每个人都有各自无数的挣扎呀
靖水无月:"A lot of people enjoy being dead,but they are not really dead. They‘re just backing away from life.” 抱歉 从头到尾我都没觉得这片和爱情有关